
Hello! I’m glad you’ve made it here. I’m Macie. I’m married to my most favorite husband and have four little whirlwinds that bring joy and chaos to our home. We have a German Shepherd that is becoming a crotchety old lady and several cows that hang out with us but fortunately don’t belong to us (we would likely fail miserably at keeping them alive). 

My family is very important to me, and if you’ve made it here, there’s a good chance yours is important to you as well. (As a side note, this is not exclusive to people with young kids. The people you call family may look completely different than that.) Throughout this blog I’ll be sharing ways I am attempting to be intentional in creating a strong family culture, and I’ll be interested to hear your ideas regarding that as well!

Since this is a photography blog, I’ll also be sharing some of my photo sessions. My clients are wonderful people, and I love being able to showcase how awesome they are!

I guess that pretty well sums it up!  I hope you’ll grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and stay for awhile! 

  1. Allison says:

    Yaaaaaaay! You did it! You made a blog site! I’m so excited to read all that you have to share, my friend.

    • Macie Kennedy says:

      I was thinking about you when I set it up! I still remember you telling me you’d read my blog if I ever started one and was wondering if you would since that was quite some time ago. I’m thankful for you, sweet friend!!

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